ARAC Board Meeting – Oct. 26, 2024, 11 am
Meeting called to order. 11:15 AM. BOD members present- Cory Soltau, Dorothy Burt, Robbie Kingston, Mike Brown, Evelyn Call, Mark Scheberies, Joe Gibson (by phone). Absent- Michael Gomez(reported ill), Liana Costa. Guests present- Norma Corbin, Peter deVries.
Approval of Minutes of last meeting. Dorothy moved for approval. 2nd by Robbie. Approved
Correspondence – contact from Dianne Waldron. Her comments read. A discussion ensued re promotion of Arabian racing in general and in California in particular. Problems include how to get more owners to participate, the disadvantage or expensive insurance for the Arabians and the loss of the Middle Eastern financial support.
Cory noted that as we are in favor of maintaining the organization to promote racing and to participate in any future racing opportunities, we need to keep our status current with the State. Evelyn moved, Dorothy 2nd that the updated documents and fees be completed and submitted. Motion approved. Mike & Cory indicated they will do this.
Membership: Evelyn Call reports 21 regular members, 2 Business memberships for a total of 23 voting . Proposed-that in appreciation for their continued support and recognition of the lack of races, etc. for this year, that all 2024 current memberships be extended through 12/31/25. So moved by Evelyn, 2nd by Mark?, Approved
2025 Racing season – Further discussion & plans for promotion, etc. The need for more owners was noted. Suggestions were made re promoting more group ownerships, as there are trainers who would probably be willing to handle Arabians, if asked. If enough horses to fill races are available and ready, certain tracks(Los Alamitos, & those with County Fair racing) would be willing to schedule races.
It was reported that the HH President’s Cup is going to Gulf Stream, Florida, and that the purse is going to be about $140,000.00. It was agreed that continued efforts through contacts in the AJC and Middle Eastern parties should be pursued re having races in California (Del Mar, Santa Anita, Los AL?).
Discussed possible uses for the Cal-Bred funds. Mark found some info that the Thoroughbreds can award for out-of-State races. Something to look at, though Mark’s source refers to “graded stakes races”.
AHA Convention in Reno coming up in November. Jonathan Horowitz is going to speak re racing. Discussed possible promotions we could do. Promotional material, contacts with delegations from West Coast Regions. Cory will check on this.
Elections to BOD. Nominations, election procedures discussed. Evelyn will send out notices and ballots next week.
Ballots to be returned postmarked by Nov. 25th, to be counted and submitted to the Board at the next meeting (first week of December-time & place to be announced). 2025 Officers to be selected at that meeting.
Join AERC and be a Winner Now!!
Don't leave money on the table
- Register your horses and take advantage of Cal-Bred racing money.
Anyone who is breeding Arabians in California, especially for endurance or other athletic activities, should consider racing their Cal-Bred eligible foals. Also, though out-of-state stallions are not eligible for the program, their California conceived and foaled off-spring can be eligible. Stallions that are Cal-Bred Sire registered can use that information in their advertising as long as the stallion continues to be eligible.
Your Cal-Bred Committee,
Dorothy Burt, Evelyn Call, Cory Soltau