The Arabian Racing Association of California


For the love of racing Arabians - Stay and Race With California!

If you plan to race an Arabian, you should join us at ARAC. We are a club made up of long-time and new racers and breeders who love working with this magnificent breed of horse. The benefits of membership include: interaction with other racing enthusiasts, voting privileges, committee participation and eligibility for ARAC Racing Awards Program. One of your greatest resources will be fellow ARAC members.

October 2023 A Message From ARAC


As, I am sure, you all know that we have been in a difficult situation regarding racing our Arabian horses in California.

Some of our long-time people have retired and others have had to take their horses out-of-State to race. Getting new owners and trainers (including Thoroughbred trainers) involved with our Arabians is difficult. The expense of insurance separate from that of the Thoroughbreds, the low purses offered by CARF and the refusal of the big year-round tracks to allow Arabians, are just parts of the problem. The Thoroughbreds are also looking to have some problems in Northern California with the closing of Golden Gate Fields next year.

The consensus among the ARAC Board members is that we are not ready to give up. There are some possibilities regarding racing at independent (non-CARF) tracks, such as Los Alamitos. How this is all going to work out is unknown.

ARAC has a decent treasury at present, so we can continue to operate and pursue any opportunities that come up.

Therefore, we are proceeding with our Board elections and will continue to work on plans for the next year. Enclosed are the nomination form and the 2023 Membership roster. Please make your nominations right away and consider self-nominating. The ARAC Board can use all your input and support.

The Board greatly appreciates your membership. Because of your loyalty, all 2023 memberships are being extended through 2024. Your new 2024 membership cards will be sent out in December.

Thanks again for being a part of California Arabian racing. Evelyn Call, Secretary


LOOKING AT California Arabian Racing

We don’t know what 2023 -2024 racing will look like. The ARAC Board is and will be working hard to continue Arabian
racing in California.

BUT, there are obstacles in California law that need to be changed so that moneys generated by Arabians
racing would come back to the Arabians, rather than going into the Thoroughbred organization.
This is difficult and takes time for changes to be made.

It is very important for everyone in racing to support each other.
The higher the numbers, the louder the voice.

If you are an ARAC member, please renew when the notice comes out or best, DO IT NOW!

If you are not a member, we urge you to join. We need more trainers for potential Arabian race horse owners and
owners to test their young horse on the track. Hard to say which comes first, but current TB trainers can train
Arabians. Most just haven’t thought about it. Terri Eaton does both. Helen Shelley trained Arabians, mules, etc.
There are owners raising young horses for endurance and other active sports, who have horses well suited for
the track. Encourage anyone you know to give it a try. We’re at a difficult stage right now but not impossible
if we all work together!

For more information or questions, please contact:
 Dr. Cory Soltau: [email protected] 
Tel: 1-925-683-7617
Terri Eaton:  [email protected]
Tel: 1-209-631-2031

Don’t leave money on the table – Register your horses and take advantage of Cal-Bred racing money.

Anyone who is breeding Arabians in California, especially for endurance or other athletic activities, should consider racing their Cal-Bred eligible foals. Also, though out-of-state stallions are not eligible for the program, their California conceived and foaled off-spring can be eligible. Stallions that are Cal-Bred Sire registered can use that information in their advertising as long as the stallion continues to be eligible.

We hope to see you all at the 2022 races. 
Your Cal-Bred Committee,
Dorothy Burt, Evelyn Call, Cory Soltau

Cal Bred Registration and Claims Information

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