Information and Definitions In order to promote horse racing and to add an incentive to breed and race Arabian horses within the state, California state law provides the Cal-Bred Incentive Premium Awards Program. Each time a registered Cal-Bred horse runs first or second in a race within California, the horse earns cash awards for the owner, the breeder, and the sire’s owner. The cash awards are generated by the money wagered on races run in the state and are distributed to the various breed administrators on a yearly basis. The Arabian Racing Association of California (ARAC) is the official administrator of the Arabian Cal-Bred horse awards program.
WHO IS ELIGIBLE? A purebred Arabian horse, registered with the Arabian Horse Association (AHA), conceived in California and foaled in California, shall be Cal-Bred eligible.
For a horse to be considered Cal-Bred, the Cal-Bred registration process must be completed at least 48 hours before time of entry in a race. Please allow time for processing by ARAC.
BREEDERS AWARDS: The person(s) listed as breeder of record by the AHA shall receive a sum based upon a prorated share of first and second place earnings from the Breeders Awards Fund.
OWNERS AWARD: The CHRB licensed person(s) (owner or lessee), listed in the official racing program at the time of the race, shall receive a sum based upon the prorated share of first and second place earnings from the Owners Awards Fund.
SIRE AWARD: “Stallion owner” means the person who is the AHA recorded owner of the eligible Arabian sire as of December 31 of the calendar year in which that sire’s Cal-Bred registered foals had eligible earnings, or the person who owned the eligible Arabian sire on the date that the sire died.
For a stallion owner to be eligible for Sire Awards, stallion must be officially registered as a Cal-Bred Sire, and must have been standing in the state of California when conception of the foal occurred. The stallion must not have been out of the state for breeding purposes during the calendar year in which the qualifying races were conducted. The stallion owner shall submit an awards claim form by February 15 of the year following the qualifying race(s) and, if eligible, will receive a prorated share from the Sire Awards Fund for all Cal-Bred registered get which placed first and second in one or more races run in California. If no Cal-Bred registered race horse, who has qualified for awards, has been sired by a stallion who qualifies as a Cal-Bred Sire, no Sire Awards will be issued for that year and those funds will be divided equally into the Owners and Breeders Awards funds for distribution.
NOTE: The applicant is to notify the Administrator of any changes in the application information. Also, the Cal-Bred program may be changed at any time by State Legislation, or by the ARAC Board of Directors.
Foal Registration
- On or before December 31 of foaling year –
- On or before December 31 of their 2 yr. old year –
- On or after January 1 of their 3 yr old year –
ARAC member
$ 50
$ 75
$ 75
Sire Award
- Initial Registration
- Racing year Claims & Recertification
NOTE: a $50 administrative fee will be retained if any part of the Registration fee is refunded for any reason.
ARAC member
$ 75
Download Forms and see Foal Registration and Sire Registration Forms for additional information and rules.
For more information email:
D Burt: [email protected]
C Soltau: [email protected]
Rev: 10/11/20